A Unique, Stunning Family Home on a Private 1-Acre Plot Nestled between the charming towns of Warwick and Knowle, this individually designed timber-framed home presents an exceptional opportunity for families seeking both style and tranquility. Set on a lush, private 1-acre plot, the property combines modern living with the beauty of nature, offering ample space for children to play and for adults to unwind. This remarkable residence features generous living areas, flooded with natural light, and an inviting layout that seamlessly connects indoor and outdoor spaces. Large windows provide stunning views of the meticulously landscaped gardens, while the cozy interiors offer a perfect backdrop for family gatherings and entertaining guests. The property is not just a home; it's a lifestyle choice that promises peace and privacy, all while being conveniently located near essential amenities and local attractions. At a price of $1,250,000, this home represents excellent value for a property of this caliber in such a desirable location. The unique design, expansive land, and proximity to the picturesque towns of Warwick and Knowle add significant appeal, making it a wise investment for buyers looking to enhance their quality of life. Don’t miss this chance to own a truly special property that balances luxury, comfort, and a connection to nature.